Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Last Hour are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 20th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Lynn White

Doing Nothing

If happiness is doing nothing

lie back and enjoy it.

Watch the rush 

to earn more.

Watch the rush

to spend more.


from your window

or read about it

or dream about it.

Lie back and enjoy it

while the moment lasts.

It’s the last hour that will

turn your nightmares into dreams.

Leaving Home

The van departed

fully loaded.

The last seconds

of my last hour there


I stood there 

empty handed

and took a final look round

the house 

I’d once been happy there.

I felt empty now,

like the house,

empty rooms

and faded dreams.

I was on my own now,

going solo.

I walked briskly away.

I didn’t look back.


The darkness is everywhere

but it has had its time.

It thought it would last forever.

It thought it could cover it’s traces,

but now in it’s last hour 

it’s secret side is emerging uneasily

still ready to cast a shadow

that will add to the mystery

and maybe just

shine a light

inside the depths

to reveal the hidden places

that were obscured.

It’s time is ending

as the sun pierces the sky

revealing what

was hiding. 

Not everything,

not all,

but some things

that were hidden.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poems Lynn. You stretch language into the reader's imagination, and you do it well!


Thomas A Thomas

Jealous of the sun Will you forgive me, she asks. The sun was shining  and I hiked-up my skirt and opened my knees.