Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Last Hour are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 20th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Michelle Smith

Until the Last Minute

To be a day late

And an hour behind

Means to yourself

You are not very kind


Is the devil in disguise

Because indeed to yourself

You do lie.

Do you burn the midnight oil

At the last hour?

Running out of that ignited energy

that has zapped your power?

That syllabus was passed out

Three weeks ago

12 a.m. is now 2 and your paper is due by 8.

How tough is the toil?

I can do this you say to yourself!

With pen and paper in hand

Week two is like the sludge of quicksand

Tonight is the the day before 

your class assignment

It should had been done

Oh procrastination you are the devil in disguise

Because indeed to yourself

You do lie

It's too late to turn back now

A deeper and wider hole 

you dug up somehow

Procrastination is a stronghold

 I do declare

Like a panty hose run in need of nail polish repair,

Time and nylons

 wait for no one

Tick tock goes the clock

And the holes are wider

Especially at the last hour

And that is no fun.

The Have and Have Nots

Paying the landlords mortgage
My hard earned money is rent
The 1st and 15th
Outstretched and barely enough
To save and pay myself 10 %
At the last hour
I'm asked if I can work a half shift 
Instead of eight, 
I'm at work for 12 hours
Tiredly I stagger home 
and open my 
Apartment front door
The fresh smell of paint lingers
Of red, white, and red all over
The fourplex resembles newsprint
And Elizabeth Arden's perfume,
 "Red Door"
The have and have nots
Are the hustle and bustle of workers
Of 6 am to 2 pm.
She's the essential worker
That stands 90 to 95 % on her feet
And provides service with a smile
At times beyond the last hour
"Good morning". 
"How are you today?"
A resident's average age is 85
About 20 minutes to provide care
Whoever stated that fact told a lie.
I  believe in a pristine and clean body
As if a motor chassis put together and done.
At the last hour of charting 
it's required three times 
per shift 
on my 12-15 resident caseload
The have and have nots 
I am their CNA
2 10 minute breaks
1 30 minute lunch
Uniformed in SSL gear
My ankles and feet 
are swollen and inflamed
As if hit by a puglists' punch
The have and have nots
I heal with a smile
And encouraging word
A meal,
A silver plated teapot
With ♥️, patience, and drive
Their eyes are the windows of their souls
The have and have nots
Are treated 
with dignity, comfort, and care
Uncertainty lingers
Will COVID 19 provide the last hour
Of sick and elderly residents
During these chaotic 
isolating  times?

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Thomas A Thomas

Jealous of the sun Will you forgive me, she asks. The sun was shining  and I hiked-up my skirt and opened my knees.