Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: Last Hour are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 20th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Mark A Fisher


In moments before midnight 

the madness of 

a single day shatters. 

Tossing and turning 

bloody in a bed of broken 

silvered glass. 

one last hour

Ugly suppressed 

memories of mistakes 

hop around me like puppies.

Each and every one 

clamoring for its share 

of my attention.

Pulling at the sheets and wrestling 

to expose my sins to the darkness.

one last hour

In the dimness 

the deluded clock clicks 

over another minute.

I am frantic 

“to sleep perchance to dream” 

mummers more foolish than I.

one last hour

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Thomas A Thomas

Jealous of the sun Will you forgive me, she asks. The sun was shining  and I hiked-up my skirt and opened my knees.